Choosing the right hat style

Saying you don’t look good in hats is like saying you don’t look good in shoes.

The issue is not the hat, it’s finding the right hat.

Here are the Beach Road Hats professional guidelines.

First, you want a hat that complements your face shape. Second, you need the self-confidence to pull off a hat. If you feel fabulous, you will look fabulous, we promise. Once you know your face shape, search for images of those celebrities wearing hats. The styles that flatter them will likely flatter you as well. Check Pinterest, too. Above all, just have fun.

Let’s start with the shape of your face.

Determining your face shape can be tricky. Yes, there are rules, but sometimes you may fall into two categories. Your face shape is be determined by three things:

·         Forehead and cheekbone width

·         Jawline

·         Face length

There are 6 basic face shapes.


If your cheekbones are the widest part of your face, you probably have a round face.  Round faces are more symmetrical, and a round face shape means your face has about the same width and length, with a rounded jawline and chin. Round faces tend to be circular in appearance and have no major angles or edges.

Celebrities with Round Faces: Drew Barrymore, Isla Fisher, Mila Kunis, and Hayden Panettiere.

Best hat style for Round faces:  Lean toward hats with opposite features – angular, rather than rounded, styles work best. A retro-style fedora (The Michala) works well. A cloche (The Kaitlyn) is a versatile hat; for a Round face, experiment wearing it brim up or down.


Diamond and heart-shaped faces can sometimes seem interchangeable, but diamond faces have their own unique traits: Diamond faces have a narrow forehead and a small chin. Cheekbones will be the widest part of your face, and sit nice and high. Your forehead won’t be as wide as someone with a heart-shaped face.

Celebrities with Diamond shape faces: Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Jennifer Aniston.

Best hat styles for Diamond faces: Diamond faces tend to be very angular. To balance out these sharp angles, fedoras like the Michala look fabulous, worn straight on the head or pushed back. Additionally, a pinched hat crown will provide symmetry for the tapered chin. Hats with a moderate brim like the Jacqueline are also recommended.


A heart-shaped face typically has a larger, wider forehead. Then the face gets more angled towards the chin, finishing into a point. Heart-shaped faces are somewhat similar to round faces, but with a wider forehead and a slender jawline.

Celebrities with Heart Shaped Face: Reese Witherspoon, Audrey Hepburn, and Naomi Campbell.

Best hat styles for Heart shaped faces: Like Audrey, you look good in pretty much any style. You're going to want a hat that will help to detract from the width of the forehead, so try a cloche (The Kaitlyn), fedora (The Michala), or a boater (The Jacqueline).


Oval and long faces are often interchanged. A long face is an elongated version of an oval, and oval faces are longer than they are wide, with a round chin and jawline.

Celebrities with Oval shaped faces: Cameron Diaz, Courteney Cox, Julia Roberts, and Brigitte Bardot.

Best hat style for Oval shaped faces: Classic boater (The Jacqueline), cloche (The Kaitlyn), or wide-brimmed (The Marena).


The Rectangular face shape is a hybrid of the oval/long and square-shaped face. It’s essentially the long face, with angular edges. Rectangular-shaped faces feature a square jaw and a face that is longer than it is wide, with a high forehead.

Celebrities with Rectangular shape face: Hillary Swank, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Angelina Jolie.

Best hats for Rectangular face: Cloche (The Kaitlyn), fedora (The Michala), and wide-brimmed (The Marena).


The key to a Square face is the jawline. With a square face shape, your forehead, cheekbones, and jaw will be the same width, and your jaw will have sharp angles. Square face shapes are similar in appearance to round faces, but have a more pronounced, wide jawline. A square face has very minimal curves to it.

Celebrities with a Square shaped face: Sandra Bullock, Demi Moore, and Katie Holmes.

Best hats for Square faces are Fedoras (The Michala) and wide-brimmed (The Marena).

Keep in mind – these are only guidelines! Pick a hat that you love and feel fabulous wearing. Have the confidence to channel your inner celebrity, and go for it.


Beach Road Hats, in the business of empowering women.


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